FEBS Advanced Lecture Course

Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling and Molecular Targets

May 21-26, 2007, Patras, Greece

Call for papers & Poster Information

Abstracts must be submitted in English before March 2th, 2007, to the FEBS-MPST2007 secretary as attached document by e-mail: febs-mpst2007@chemistry.upatras.gr
Please note that those applying for a YTF grant, abstract should be sent by January 29, 2007 (see fellowships).
Abstract (maximum one A4 page, single space) should be prepared as Word document. The length of the abstract must not exceed 3000 characters including spaces. Abstracts may be reformatted to a uniform style for publication in the Book of Abstracts of the course.
In the submitted abstract special attention is necessary as to:

  • Underline the presenting author.
  • Give the affiliation of all authors using superscript numbers for different affiliation.
  • Title to be given in bold letters (14 pt).
  • Greek letters should be entered as symbols.
An example of Abstract format is given below.

Several abstracts will be selected for short oral presentations.
Posters will be exhibited in spaces near the lecture room. The dimensions of the poster board are: 80 cm wide x 100 cm height. Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated in the submitted abstract. Please do not use small font sizes. Your poster should be easily readable from a distance of at least 1.2 m. Tacks and technical equipment will be available for the hanging of posters.

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